Reflections by Tom Hussey

Sometimes we need photography to create a complex interplay between reality and illusion. Welcome to Tom Hussey’s world. A world of many brands, and many audiences. A world involving many production needs. From location scouting, casting, styling, animation and photo retouching to lifestyle, portrait, and kid shots. A world located, in reality, in Dallas, Texas, but a world that knows no boundaries.

Throughout his career, Tom has been honored with many awards and accolades. In addition to several Addy’s, recent distinctions of note include being named one of the ‘Top 10 Creatives in the World’ by Adweek Magazine. Tom was also selected as one of the ‘Top 200 Advertising Photographers Worldwide’ by Luerzer’s Archive, and his work has been featured in the Communication Arts Photography Annual.

















Tom Hussey’s Website

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